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Tom and I conducted survey with ITP students about the current experience of the floor.

  1. What is your overall experience on the floor in few words?

    → 44% of students expressed negative feelings like stressful, distracting, isolated

  2. How would you rate stress level while you are on the floor?

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  3. When you feel exhausted on the floor, what do you usually do?

    → When students feel exhausted, they usually wanted to find some personal space for themselves, but floor is overall open place, there are only few phone booth.

  4. What kind of mental support would you like to have on the floor?

    → Students wanted more private space with sound privacy or to talk with someone for mental support

  5. If there is a physical device that can record your feelings anonymously through your voice, would you like to use it and share it with others?

    → 55.6% of students answered “Maybe” for sharing their feelings anonymously through the physical device.

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Key insights from the survey